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Goal Setting for Success
Coaching Blogs

Goal Setting for Success

By Neil D
2024-04-27 09:00:04 |    0

Goal Setting for Success: Specifics vs. Generalities

We all know goals are important. They give us direction, a sense of purpose, and a way to measure progress. But not all goals are created equal. The key to success lies in understanding the power of both specific and general goals.

The Power of Specific Goals: Hitting the Target

Think of specific goals as the GPS for your life. They provide a clear destination – "write a book by year-end" or "save $5,000 by December." This clarity offers several benefits:

  • Measurability: You can track progress. Specific goals are like SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Saving $5,000 allows you to calculate daily, weekly, and monthly savings targets.
  • Actionable Steps: Knowing exactly what you need to achieve makes action planning easier. To save $5,000, you can identify spending cuts or additional income sources.
  • Motivation and Focus: Specific goals help eliminate distractions. Knowing you need to save $14.50 daily keeps you focused on budgeting.

The Peril of Over-Specificity: Missing the Forest for the Trees

While specific goals excel, they can backfire for some pursuits. Consider wanting to "be a better writer." How do you measure that? Website traffic? Book sales? These metrics can be misleading. Chasing website traffic might lead to clickbait tactics that don't improve your writing.

Similarly, weight loss goals focused solely on numbers can be detrimental. Aiming to "lose 20 pounds" might lead to unhealthy practices that harm your overall health.

The Power of General Goals: Embracing the Journey

This is where general goals come in. They focus on the journey, not just the destination. Examples include "improve writing skills" or "become healthier." These goals are:

  • Endless and Internal: You can always strive for improvement. There's no finish line for "being a better writer" or "being healthy." This keeps you engaged and motivated.
  • Promotes Honesty: General goals force you to be honest with yourself about your specific goals. "Be a better writer" might reveal that chasing website traffic isn't truly serving your writing journey.

The Winning Combination: Specificity and Generality Working Together

The best approach uses both specific and general goals. Specific goals provide the excitement and motivation – "earn a million dollars!" General goals keep you grounded and ensure healthy progress – "become better at my work" reminds you that earning a million dollars is part of a larger goal of professional growth.

The Takeaway: A Balanced Approach

Over-reliance on specific goals can harm your mental health if you become fixated on outcomes at the expense of the process. General goals, mixed with specific goals, can create a sustainable and fulfilling path to success. Remember, enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
